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Humanities Washington

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  3. Humanities Washington
Events from this organizer

7 Stories – It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Highline Heritage Museum 819 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Who hasn’t been captivated by a powerful or funny story? 7 STORIES is a night of such storytelling –to build community, empathy, and celebrate our

7Stories: Disconnect, Unplugging, Uncoupling

Highline Heritage Museum 819 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Who hasn’t been captivated by a powerful or funny story? 7 STORIES is a night of such storytelling –to build community, empathy, and celebrate our

Drag Culture: Beyond Entertainment

Highline Heritage Museum 819 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Typically held at bars and nightclubs, drag is a form of entertainment in which a performer uses clothing and makeup to impersonate a particular gender

7Stories: Fish Out of Water/Square Peg in a Round Hole

Highline Heritage Museum 819 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Who hasn’t been captivated by a powerful or funny story? 7 STORIES is a night of such storytelling –to build community, empathy, and celebrate our

UFO Northwest

Highline Heritage Museum 819 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Presented by Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau. Enjoy Speaker Steve Edmiston discussing the true 1947 story of how Washington State spawned the Men in Black.