BUFO is coming back!
After a year off (missing time?!), the 2018 Burien UFO Festival will be held on Thursday, April 5, 2018!
New this year – live UFO-related seminars with guest experts! Details to come, so stay tuned…
ALSO…the Burien Film Festival will have a special contest for BUFO: a 5-7 minute short film contest themed around the ‘otherworldly.‘
The top ten best films will be shown on April 5 at the Tin Theater!
Expect the usual:
- UFO-themed block party
- Live band
- Costume contest
If you want to get some out-of-this-world marketing AND support a fun, totally local grassroots festival, please email Shelli Park for Sponsorship opportunities: crimsonpark@hotmail.com
BUFO takes place in Olde Burien on SW 152nd Street, between 9th and 10th Ave SW.
For more info, be sure to “Like” BUFO on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/BurienUFOFestival/