7 Storytellers
7 Real Stories
7 Minutes Each
7 Stories is back! We want to hear your true story! Sign up to tell your story:
7 Stories is a night of storytelling to celebrate our communities’ rich cultural heritage. Stories tell us more about our friends and neighbors.
WHAT: 7 Stories – A Night of Storytelling
THEME: Uncharted Territory
WHEN: October 22, 7:00-8:30 PM
WHERE: Highline Heritage Museum and streamed live
The first storytelling night of the season will be a hybrid: live with storytellers and a small number of guests at the museum, streamed live, and shared on the 7Stories Youtube channel after the event.
For more information or to sign up, go to http://burienculturehub.org/7stories. Or to contact us, email at 7stories@burienculturehub.org
Tickets are not available as this event has passed.