The Highline Historical Society purchased the archives of the Highline News, the local newspaper that ceased publication in the greater Highline area in January, 1998. The archives, which date from 1945, chronicle fifty-three years of community history. This very complete set of materials was moved from the former Highline News offices on SW 148th and is now in the Society storage area at the former Seattle Christian School in SeaTac.
These archives consist of 70 large bound volumes of newspapers, including the former Highline Times as well as the more-recent Highline News, several thousand photographs and as many as 18,000 negatives from these newspapers’ “morgue.” In addition, the Society has purchased 20 years of the newspapers on microfilm. The microfilm records date forward from 1974. It is our hope that as funding becomes available the Society will be able to purchase additional years on microfilm, so that researchers will not need to handle the newspapers.